How Skincare Can Affect Mental Health

As you know, skincare is an important part of your routine. But did you know that it can also positively affect your mental health? 76% of women surveyed for a study said they felt good about themselves when their skin looked good.
When we take care of our bodies and minds, we feel more confident and happier in ourselves. Self-care isn’t just about looking better – it’s also about feeling better.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss how your skincare routine can help improve both your physical and mental health. And what products will help you get there!
Skincare is a form of self-care which can work wonders for your mood and self-confidence. When your skin is looking good, you’ll feel better about yourself and more confident. Self-care can also lead to greater mental health because it gives us a chance for relaxation - something that we don’t often get in our daily lives!
“Self-care gives us hope,” says psychologist Dr. Seema Hingorany. “We have seen in research that people who take good care of themselves are more grounded, can regulate themselves more emotionally. They can show compassion and kindness to other people very easily. They develop self-love. They are not extremely emotionally sensitive, they don’t melt down, and they don’t get hyper aroused.”
Skincare can help improve many physical aspects of mental health by reducing acne flare ups or scarring which may contribute to low self-esteem. It can even help with dermatitis. This means skincare will work wonders on any preexisting conditions while improving emotional states as well. In the study mentioned above, 76% said their mood was improved when they felt like their skin looked good from using products that were right for them.
Besides keeping your skin clear and healthy, following a daily skincare routine can give your life structure - a great thing for your mental health. But that’s not all it does. Let’s take a look at the benefits of skincare for mental health to give you a clearer idea.
It Replaces Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones
The routine structure that a skincare regimen provides is important for mental health. Skincare routines allow us to be productive and spend time doing something good for ourselves without feeling guilty or selfish. It’s really easy to get caught up in our own lives as busy adults, so taking the time each day to do something nice for your skin can help take care of both body and mind!
It Makes You Feel Better When Your Skin Looks Good
“A bad skin day can have a tremendous impact on a woman’s self-esteem,” says Miami-based dermatologist Dr. Heather Woolery-Lloyd. “In some cases, patients have told me that an especially severe breakout can even stop them from going to school or work.”
By following a skincare routine, you will quickly notice an improvement in the appearance of your skin. You can use products that address your skin issues for a complexion you’re content with.
It’s a Form of Self-Love
Slathering on your serums and lotions is a way to reconnect with yourself and enjoy some me time.
“It’s a form of self-love, self-acceptance, and healing,” says therapist Zakiyyah Abdul-Mateen. “There are certain points on the body that promotes relaxation, and the face is one of them. Using skin-to-skin contact, fingers to face, allows the blood to flow while also allowing the muscles in the face to relax. This alone sends a signal to the brain that you are in a state of relaxation putting you in a peaceful mindset.”
Start with Cleansing
Cleanse first thing in the morning to wake up the skin, or last thing at night to remove any leftover dirt, oil, and makeup from that day. Spend a good minute massaging the product in and paying attention to how it feels and smells on your skin. Enjoy the sensations of the cleanser on your skin and the fresh feeling that comes once you’ve rinsed and dried your face.
Product pick: 24k Gold Black Soap Impurity Cleanser.
Follow Up with Toner
You can either use a cotton ball or spray bottle for this step. Wipe away any dirt, make-up residue or leftover surface oil with a toner to clear the pores and refresh the skin.
Use water-based toners to avoid drying out your skin or adding more oils and creating an imbalance in the PH level of your skin.
This step really helps remove anything that might get left behind during cleansing - like impurities from environmental pollutants, bacteria and other toxins.
Product pick: CBD Jelly Toning Solution.
Next, Apply Serum
Now’s your chance to address any skincare concerns. That’s the great thing about serums – they contain active ingredients that treat everything from acne to wrinkles to discoloration.
Product pick: Purple Rain Facial Oil.
Finish with a Moisturizer
Moisturizing is the key to healthy skin and it will make your complexion look dewy, youthful and glowy! This will also help with any issues you might be having with dry skin or eczema on your face.
Moisturizer keeps the moisture level in balance and helps prevent future problems down the road. Moisturize before bedtime to keep it from getting too dehydrated overnight while you sleep.
Product pick: Cream Skin Face Moisturizer.
Is your skin having a negative effect on your mental health? The first step to healing is sharing with others. So if you’re feeling depressed about your acne or crows feet, talk to a friend or loved one just to get it off your chest.
You should also consider visiting a dermatologist if you have severe skin issues that need a professional opinion and possibly prescription treatment.
Above all, remember that regardless of what your skincare issues are, taking the time to take care of yourself and enjoy some self-care time works wonders for improving your mental health.