What Products To Add to Your Regimen In Summer

Tanned, smooth, radiant…that’s how we all envision our skin in summer.
But how to get it?
According to the pros, you’ll need to adjust your skincare routine for the season of sun, sweat, and heat. That includes adding in and taking out certain products to help your complexion looks its best for the summer.
From incorporating lighter products to sweat-proofing your skin, we show you how to attain perfect summertime skin.
As much as we all love the warm weather, it comes with a slew of skincare challenges even dermatologists find tough to deal with. From oily skin to redness, there are many reasons why your skincare routine needs a revamp if you want to maintain beautiful, glowing skin.
“A solid routine should be applicable to all seasons and all climates,” explains Omer Ibrahim, a board-certified dermatologist and codirector of clinical research at Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology. “With that said, there are a couple of changes one might consider when transitioning from winter to summer.”
The trouble with sticking with the same old routine is that your skin doesn’t get the proper care it needs to thrive during certain seasons, like summer. In the summertime, your skin gets sweatier, more prone to sunburn and hyperpigmentation, and more susceptible to breakouts. Thus, it’s important to follow a routine that meets summer’s demands for your skin.
Lighter Products
For starters, your skin craves lighter products during the summer months than it does in cooler months like autumn and winter. The heat and humidity of the season means you should swap out heavier cleansers and moisturizers in favor of gentle, lighter options.
Instead of heavy moisturizer that you’ll only end up sweating off, opt for a light-weight serum instead to apply under your sunscreen. If you have severely dry skin, continue using a moisturizer that’s lighter than your usual one. For oily skin types, drop the lotion altogether in favor of serum.
Sweating under a heavy lotion with only cause the product to clog your pores, which will result in breakouts.
Keep your skincare regimen lightweight with Truly’s Blueberry Kush Bundle to detoxify and illuminate your complexion.
Acne-Fighting Products
Prone to breakouts in the summer? It’s not surprising. This is the season where our sebaceous glands are on overdrive, causing a spike in oil production and an increase in breakouts.
The derms recommend using products tailored to balancing oil levels and fighting acne. Using these products on a daily basis will help to keep your complexion clear.
Take control of your oily, acne-prone summer skin with Truly’s CBD Jelly Baby Bundle featuring five face and body blemish-clearing formulas.
Extra Sun Protection
Sun protection is essential all year round. But in the summer months, when you’re more exposed to harsh UV rays, it’s even more critical. Make sure you’re wearing SPF 30 (at least!) every single day. Re-apply every couple of hours for maximum protection – and more often if you’re sweating or going in and out of the pool or sea. Besides protecting your skin, a sunscreen provides additional moisture to the skin.
“A good SPF will moisturise your skin at the same time as protecting it, so usually there is no need for an additional moisturiser in the summer, unless you have very dry skin,” says Dr. Stefanie Williams, dermatologist and medical director at Eudelo. “In that case, you could layer a light-weight hyaluronic acid serum underneath your SPF.”
Antioxidant-Packed Formulas
Your skin is more exposed to the sun and pollution in the summer season as you tend to be outside more. Thus, you need to provide your skin with more nutrients and antioxidants to keep it thriving.
“Another absolutely mandatory ingredient for the summer is a high-grade antioxidant product (containing vitamin C or polyphenols),” says Williams. “Again, however, I would recommend using this all year around anyway, as it also helps protect from other forms of oxidative stress, such as pollution.”
Potent vitamin C products are vulnerable to light exposure, so always make sure they’re applied underneath a broad-spectrum sunscreen.
Try our vitamin c-formulated Vegan Collagen Facial Serum for skin brightening and resurfacing benefits.
Facial Mist
There’s nothing more refreshing than a facial mist for fresh, vibrant skin. Opt for soothing ingredients like peppermint, green tea, chamomile, and lavender for calming and de-stressing the skin.
Give your skin a boost with Truly’s Volcanic Rosewater All-Over Hydrating Mist. Made with rose, aloe, rosehip, and witch hazel, this formula provides balance and reduces inflammation in the skin.
Layer on Coconut Oil
According to Melissa Picoli, an esthetician and founder of BijaBody Health+Beauty, applying coconut oil before sunscreen can boost its benefits.
“Before a big day out, apply a light layer of coconut oil to your face,” she says. “Coconut oil has been shown to have a potential sunscreen like effect, increases effectiveness of sunscreen products, and it keeps your skin protected during long hours in water.”
You may regularly wash your face after a day at the beach or walking in the sun, but it’s a good idea to wash your skin before you start sweating too. Otherwise you could be setting yourself up for some major breakouts.
A quick face wash should come beforehand to keep your pores clear and decongested. When you sweat, your pores open naturally to expel sweat, so what you apply on your skin beforehand is essential for maintaining healthy, blemish-free skin.
Do you usually switch up your skincare routine when the summer arrives? Or do you just use the same products you use the rest of the year? With the right products and regimen, you can maintain your youthful, vibrant glow throughout the summer season without experiencing pesky pimples as a result of too heavy products. Summer demands a different set of products to winter and spring. So be sure to stock up on our go-to goodies for gorgeous, glowing summertime skin.