Hot Shower Vs Cold Shower On Your Skin

Hot Shower Vs Cold Shower On Your Skin
by Truly Beauty

For some, taking a hot, steamy shower at the end of a long day is a luxury they couldn't fathom giving up. 

If the idea of cranking down your water temperature sends shivers down your spine, chill! Get it? No but seriously, turning down the heat could drastically improve your skin - and your overall health.

But is a cold shower really better?

Cold showers and hot showers each have their own benefits. It really depends on what you're seeking.

Below, we shed light on the skin and health benefits of hot showers and cold showers so that you can get your shower water temperature just right. 



Cold Showers

Showering in cold water may sound truly terrifying, but there are some reasons to give it a try. For starters, cold showers increase blood flow in the body which can boost alertness, energy, and mood. 

Other skin and health benefits of cold showers include building up your immune system, reducing muscle soreness, easing skin conditions like eczema, increasing blood circulation, and potentially enhancing weight loss. 

Showering in cooler water also prevents dry skin, as it's a lot less drying than hot water.


Hot Showers

Hot baths and showers feel great, don't they? But are they as good for you as they feel? 

While hot showers get a bad rap, evidence shows that they can lower stress levels, offer relief from respiratory symptoms, boost oxygen intake, ease sore muscles, and improve sleep.

The problem with warm showers is that they strip the skin of natural oils, causing dryness. In addition to that, they can also dilate blood vessels, making the skin appear red and blotchy.



It's time to answer those pressing shower-related questions!


Does Cold Water Really Shrink Pores? 

It certainly can. 

Washing in cold water tightens your pores and improves circulation for a beautiful, natural glow.

“Since cold water is capable of shrinking the pores, it’s also something that can help make your face less shiny," says dermatologist Sheel Desai Solomon, MD.  "That’s because it’s via your pores that oils produced by the sebaceous glands reach the surface of your skin. With the size of your pores considerably reduced, the number of oils that cover your face can be kept to a minimum."


Why Does Skin Get Blotchy After a Hot Shower? 

Warm water can cause changes in blood circulation in the body, causing skin color to change in response to less blood flow. That's just one of the reasons you might be getting blotchy skin after a shower.

It could also be contact dermatitis or eczema - as these flare up when exposed to heat. That blotchy skin may even be a heat rash, a skin rash caused by contact with excessive heat.


Does Cold Water Really Help Hair Follicles? 

According to Olaplex's Dr. Eric Pressly, "Water, itself, can open or close the cuticle through absorption and swelling of the hair. This is a very fast process, and the difference between hot and cold water is negligible."

As for which is better? Neither, it seems.

"Rinsing with cold water can constrict the blood capillaries in your scalp," explains hair pro Anabel Kingsley. "As these capillaries carry vital nutrients to the hair follicles, in theory, it may actually be harmful to hair growth."

For now, maybe it's best to keep your water temperature lukewarm.


Does Hot Water Really Help Shaving? 

This one's an easy one: yes!

Warm water opens and cleans the pores, relaxes the skin, and softens the hair. Add in a nourishing shaving cream and you've got yourself the perfect shave!


What About Ice Baths?

Ice baths have been a big wellness trend for a while now. But just how good are they for your skin and health?

Experts say ice baths are great for boosting recovery after an intense workout. That's why athletes love them. Researchers also say bathing in ice water prior to a workout can enhance your performance. That's because ice baths increase heart rate and relax the nervous system.


Can Showering in Cold Water Really Help You Lose Weight?

It can.

Some fat cells, including brown fat, can generate heat by burning body fat. This happens when your body is exposed to cold conditions. Unlike white fat cells, brown fat cells maintain your body temperature by burning calories to generate heat.


Is there a Certain, Ideal Temperature? 

Without a doubt, cold water is better for your skin that hot water. In terms of skincare benefits, cold showers tighten the pores, prevent dryness, and give your skin a nice glow.

"From a skin perspective, the cons of hot showers outweigh the pros," says Carrie Kovarik, MD, an Associate Professor of Dermatology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. "Hot showers can dry out your skin, especially if you have a chronic condition such as eczema. In addition, hot showers can make people itchier because they can cause cells in your skin to release histamine — a substance that leads to the itchy sensation."

However, both cold water and hot water have their downsides. Because they are both extreme temperatures, either might be too harsh for your skin. 

That's why it's best to shower using the middle ground - lukewarm water. Then finish off your shower with a blast of cold water to close the pores and boost your circulation. 



For the ultimate skin-perfecting shower, be sure to stock up on a few skincare essentials to take your shower sesh to a whole new level.

Start with: Truly's 24k Gold Black Soap Impurity Cleanser

This'll clear away impurities for resurfaced, retexturized skin.

Followed by: Truly's Moon Jelly Adaptogenic Body Cleanser

To soothe, de-stress, and chill your skin.

Finished with: Truly's Coco Rose Fudge Body Butter

It's formulated with shea butter, coconut, and rose to hydrate and brighten dry, dull skin.


We hope we've answered all your questions about hot showers vs cold showers on your skin so you can make the best decision for your needs. 



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