Why I Started Moisturizing My Nipples & Never Went Back

Why I Started Moisturizing My Nipples & Never Went Back
by Truly Beauty

The nipples and boobs in general are often overlooked in skincare. But they deserve as much love as any other body part.

In fact, the nipples need a lot of your attention. Seeing as they’re one of the most sensitive parts of your body, that makes them prone to irritation, which can lead to dry, flaky nipples.

The good news is, nipple dryness and flaking are pretty simple to deal with. You just need to be sure you’re using the right products. And on the topic of your boobs being overlooked, we’re also going to focus on the often-ignored décolletage area and give you some tips on taking care of that area of your bod, too. So sit back, learn, and enjoy! You’re about to transform your body-skincare routine.



Multiple things could be causing your nipples to become dry.

For starters, if you use harsh soaps in the shower, that could be to blame. Soaps wash away your skin’s natural oils, which causes dryness and potential irritation.

Alternatively, you could be experiencing irritation from synthetic fabrics like nylon, chlorine from the pool or spa, and chafing from exercise. All of these things can cause inflammation and dryness in that area.

Even cold weather plays a factor in the health of your nips.

According to skincare pro Dr. Joshua Zeichner, the skin around your nipples is much more sensitive than other parts of your body, leaving it more prone to dryness and inflammation during the winter months.

“Cold, dry weather strips the skin of essential oils, disrupting the outer skin layer, resulting in loss of hydration, and inflammation,” he explains.

And let’s not forget motherhood. Nursing a baby can cause the mammary glands to crack and breastfeeding ups your chances of getting a yeast infection on your nipple – something that also leads to cracking.

If none of the above apply to you, there could be a possible underlying skin problem like eczema or psoriasis. Get it checked out by your doctor.



Moisturizing your nipples may just be the best thing you can do for them.

Generally, dryness or flakiness is easy to treat. However, make sure you focus on the underlying problem too rather than covering the problem with lotions.

“Treat the root cause,” says Alyssa Dweck, MD, a practicing gynecologist in Westchester County, New York. “Moisturize, eliminate irritating fabrics and soaps, and clean the nipples with a soft, damp washcloth.”

Once you’ve addressed the causes, you can start treating it with topical products too.

If you’re experiencing dry skin on your nipples, or even flaking, apply a moisturizer to repair the skin barrier. Look for nourishing ingredients in products like shea butter, coconut oil, and collagen. With daily use, you’ll notice a drastic improvement in the appearance and the feel of your nipples.


Try Truly’s 3-Step Boobie Bundle for Ultra-Smooth Nips

Sculpting, moisturizing, and retexturizing, this boob bundle is designed to smooth and moisturize the nipples. The bundle features Acai Your Boobies Boob Polish, Boob Serum, and Boob Butter to hydrate the skin around your nipples. It can also reduce the appearance of fine lines and stretch marks.

Start by applying the polish in the shower or bath. Mix it with a small amount of water to make a lather, rub it into your chest in circular motions, then rinse. Next, apply 4-5 drops of the serum all over your boobs and chest area. Leave it to sink in for a couple of minutes before finishing up with the butter. Apply a thick layer over the chest and breasts to perk up your pair all day long.

Get the Acai Your Boobies Bundle here.


Don’t Forget the Décolletage, too

There are tons of reasons why you should start showing your décolletage some TLC!

“The majority of sun damage is done in childhood/teens/early adult including the décolletage area,” says Dr. Philippa Lowe, Skin Specialist at the Cranley Clinic.

That’s because the skin around your chest and neck is extremely thin.  There are also less sebaceous glands and limited melanocytes around that area so damage is more easily done.

“Over time, gravity, UV damage, stress and age lead to visible ageing and loss of skin’s support structure at a rapid pace in the neck and décolleté,” Dr. Lieve Declercq from Origins explains.

She adds, “The loss of collagen leads to sagging and visible horizontal rings around the neck, crepey texture and creases in the décolleté area, along with visible discoloration of the skin.”

Fortunately, you can fight the aging process by incorporating a moisture-retaining cream into your skincare routine.

Try Truly’s Goodnight Moon Chest/Neck Sleep Mask to improve skin elasticity and revitalize your complexion as you sleep. For best results, apply to the chest and neck area every evening to tighten the skin overnight. And because it’s a sleep mask, there’s no need to rinse it off the next morning!

As for the best technique to apply it, Ole Henriksen of OleHenriksen cosmetics shares her favorite method for applying cream to your décolletage: “Tilt your head back, relax your upper body, and open and close your mouth— jetting your jaw forward and tensing it as you do it.” Think of it as a type of facial yoga.

She elaborates, “The platysma on the neck muscles are like cords, you are strengthening them that way. The muscles on the neck are independent from the skin, unlike the face where it's all glued together. Apply the neck crème first with vigorous upward strokes using your entire palm, and then do the exercise. Repeat the exercise 20 times each night to get great results!”


Your nips, boobs, décolletage – they all deserve some TLC! If you want to keep them looking and feeling their best, be sure to pamper them using Truly’s special boob-formulated products. We have plenty to choose from!

Once you start moisturizing your nipples and the skin around them, you’ll never want to go back!



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