Truly House of Beauty Episode 6

Tick tock on the clock--it’s time for the next episode of the Truly House of Beauty! Last episode we dived into the story of how Zara formulated some of your favorite products: the Polish, Serum, and Butter for the Acai Your Boobies line. Week by week, you learn more and more about how Truly products came to be. On this week’s episode, you’ll learn all about how we created the show-stopping Coco Cloud Whipped Luxury Shave Butter!
It was a warm morning in sunny Los Angeles, and the Truly babes were sitting around their breakfast table having their typical morning meeting. Tyler & Chloe were sipping their coffee with their bed heads (clearly not morning people). Then you have Zara-- always bright and chipper in the AM. She’s standing in front of the table, pointing to her electronic whiteboard that shows a bunch of overlapping neon graphs. “So! As you all can see, our sales have skyrocketed! It’s really crucial that we keep this momentum going--the people are LOVING Truly products! You can see here on April 14 that we have an influx of…” Zara begins to say, but she is interrupted by a long, dramatic yawn from Tyler. Her eyes dart in his direction, scorning his lack of attention. Tyler’s glassy eyes saunter up to meet Zara’s, noticing that she is upset by the fact that he isn’t tapped into this early morning meeting. “Sorry Z, I’m just like sooo not a morning person and your speech is making me even more exhausted,” says a sleepy Tyler. Chloe giggles a lazy giggle, one that seemed to take a lot of effort to complete. “Just give me about five more minutes…” asks Zara. Tyler nods his head in acceptance. “SO on April 14 we had a huge influx of requests to make something with coconuts, and I’ve been doing some experimentation myself!” says Zara, as she slices a coconut open right there on the table. The noise of the coconut chop was jarring--it harshed the morning vibes for Tyler and Chloe. “Gahhhh so loud!” yelped Tyler “can we just give the coconut a break right now Z?!” Zara huffs “ don’t wanna know the power of coconuts?!” Tyler’s eyes start to roll, but they shift focus to his phone as it begins to ring. He grabs his phone and sees that it’s one of his French lovers. “Bonjour mon amant, te me manques!” says Tyler. The girls are always pleased when Tyler starts speaking French, it’s a delight to hear not because he sounds elegant, but because his valley-boy accent makes his French sound like a crashing rollercoaster. “Oui….oui!...ouuuui! Chauve?! Okay okay, oui oui, à ce soir!” says Tyler as hangs up the phone. “Well ladies, that was Louis. He’s flying in tonight from Paris, and he wants to see me later! But he asked me the weirdest question....he asked if I’d shave my legs! I don’t that some like French thing?” giggles Tyler. All three friends start to laugh. “I mean...have fun shaving those bushy things!” notes Chloe, as she points to Tyler’s extremely hairy dude legs. “Yeaaaah, I better get started on this chore. I’ve never done this before! Soooo TTYL!” Tyler sings gleefully, as he skips upstairs to get ready for his date.
Tyler enters his bathroom, sighing with joy as he draws a bath. He has everything needed for a successful night: soaps, body washes, bath bubbles, a cute rubber ducky named Kiki, a razor, and shaving gel. Once the water fills up, he plays bubblegum pop music and sinks into the tub. He grabs his razor and his shaving cream-- the razor is new but the shaving gel is some blue-colored goop that sprays out of a can messily. He totally bought it two years ago at a CVS in the “men’s section.” He sprays the sticky Abercrombie & Fitch smelling goop all over his legs and attempts to shave his legs for the first in his life. Within two inches of gliding, the razor snags on his long leg hairs. “OUCH!” he screams as a tiny bit of blood leaks from his snag. He attempts again, and within three inches there is another nick followed by another high-pitched squeal--“OUCCCHIEEE!”. He hears a knock on the door-- “Tyler? Everything okay?” Zara utters behind the door. “Ugh Z, help!” cries Tyler. Zara comes in and sees Tyler in the tub, clearly frustrated with his less-than-perfect shaving experiences. He looks to Zara, who is standing there holding a half-cut coconut and a snicker on her face. “So, do you wanna hear about coconuts now?!” asks Zara. He nods again, but this time his attention is keen. Zara explains to him all of her recent studies about how coconut milk makes the perfect addition to a shaving cream. “Coconut milk is so super smooth, it softens the skin and hairs so when you shave, there is no snagging,” Zara grabs a nearby bowl and quickly mixes some of the milk from the coconut with some other ingredients like argan oil and vanilla, and hands it to Tyler. He rinses off his cheap shaving gel and applies this thick, white, creamy mixture to his legs and tries to shave again-- nick free! “Holy crap Z! This stuff is amazing! It smells like an island breeze and I literally have baby soft skin.” says Tyler. Zara is pleased--”Well, you should have listened to my talk this morning! I was going to bring up how I’m making a coconut-based shaving cream…” Tyler laughs, “Well, this stuff is like shaving with coconut clouds!” Zara laughs again, and leaves the bathroom. Tyler finishes shaving his legs, and skips down the stairs screaming “My legs are like clouds! Louis will be oh so pleased!” Zara pulls her phone from her pocket and texts herself “Call the cream ‘Coco Cloud.’”
As you can tell, our iconic Coco Cloud Whipped Luxury Shave Butter was indeed created for a booty call moment, but we have been so pleased to see how loved it is by Truly Babes around the world as well. That’s the adventure this week, babes. Stay close, stay hydrated, and stay tuned for the next episode of the Truly House of Beauty.